Thursday, February 20, 2014


Some Caribbean feeling for at home :)


7 eggs
.1 pinch of salt
.200 g + 50 g sugar
.pulp of 1 1/2 vanilla pod
. 200 g flour
.1/2 tsp baking powder
. 250 g low fat curd cheese
.150 g creme fraiche
.1/8 l Amaretto liqueur
. 400 g whipping cream
 . 1 p. cream stiff
 . 150 g grated coconut
 . paper sleeves

1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and preheat oven.

2. Separate the eggs. protein, salt and 5 tablespoons of chilled water with a power agitator until it's stiff. Towards the end add vanilla pulp and 200g sugar. Then beat up egg yolks seperatly to the mixture.

3. Mix flour and baking powder and fold into the egg mixture. Then spread it on a baking sheet and bake it with 150°C convection 25-30 min. Remove the sponge and pounce on a paper towel. Remove baking paper immediately and allow to cool down.

4. For the cream: beat curd cheese, creme fraiche, amaretto liqueur, 50g sugar and vanilla pulp  in a large bowl until it's smooth. Whip the cream until it's stiff, sprinkle cream stabilizer and then fold into the quark mass.

5. Rip the biscuit with your hands into fine pieces and add to the cream amaretto curd. Evenly fold in with a spatula and mix well to form a dough.

6. Sprinkle grated coconut on a tray and form about 30 uniform balls with moistened hands. Then roll the bowls in the shredded coconut and put into paper sleeves.

taste best well chilled!
can also be freezed!

Rezept deutsch

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